Typically consisting of a flattened, round - or disc-like shape of a meal with a hole right in the middle, washers are often used in combination with threaded fasteners like a screw is driven into a surface. The actual washer is actually not driven to the surface, leaving many people to wonder what purpose they actually serve. Here we, EZZI ENGINEERING have enlisted a few of the major purposes that different types of washers serve and make things easier than expected. 1. Load Distribution: The elementary purpose of the washers is to distribute the load of the threaded fastener with which they are attached . It is often seen that threaded fasteners stress the material in which they are driven. Driving a screw into wood, for instance, may cause the wood to crack around the surface. On the other hand, washers curtail the risk of such damages. Washers distribute the fasteners’ load evenly across the surface of the material. But washers are not necessa...