Typically consisting of a flattened, round - or disc-like shape of a meal with a hole right in the middle, washers are often used in combination with threaded fasteners like a screw is driven into a surface. The actual washer is actually not driven to the surface, leaving many people to wonder what purpose they actually serve. Here we, EZZI ENGINEERING have enlisted a few of the major purposes that different types of washers serve and make things easier than expected. 

different types of washers

1.    Load Distribution:

 The elementary purpose of the washers is to distribute the load of the threaded fastener with which they are attached. It is often seen that threaded fasteners stress the material in which they are driven. Driving a screw into wood, for instance, may cause the wood to crack around the surface. On the other hand, washers curtail the risk of such damages. Washers distribute the fasteners’ load evenly across the surface of the material. But washers are not necessarily required by all materials. But particularly for wood and other such soft materials, washers are extremely useful to secure the material against stress-related damage when the threaded fastener is driven into the material. 

2.            Spacing:

The versatility of washers lets them be used as spacers as well. Why would you even need a spacer when driving a threaded fastener into an object? If the threaded fastener is longer as compared to the depth of the object, there is no way possible you can drive it all the way into the object - not without having some of the fastener stick out of the back of the object, at least. Obviously, driving a 4-inch into an object which has a depth of 3-inches will definitely result in 1-inch of the screw’s tip protruding out of the back of the object. To prevent such scenarios, washers can be of great benefit. Placing washers through the threaded fastener before driving into the object creates padding so that the fastener does not go too deep.

3.            Vibration Absorption:

There are different types of washers that have the tendency to absorb vibrations. Usually known as vibration damping for vibration isolating washers, but the material that they are made up of is not metal. Instead, they are made up of a softer material like plastic, rubber or urethane. Practically, soft materials like these are more effective at absorbing vibrations than hard materials, including metal. If a threaded fastener is being used to connect two objects, and one of the objects is producing vigorous vibrations using vibration damping washers can protect the other object from damage.

4.            Liquid Protection:

Several types of washers prevent the ingress of water or any other liquids. They are oftentimes used in water pipes and connections to create a waterproof seal. Similar to the vibration damping washers, liquid-sealing washers are made of a soft material hats able to press completely against the surface of the object. 

We believe in providing full knowledge to the clients about our products. Therefore, we have also enlisted different types of washers that are extremely useful and reliable. 

  • Cup Washers:- Standard cup washers are used to cover bolts or nuts for safety or anti-tampering requirements. Cup washers are also used to compress insulation and sealant materials. Oftentimes, cup washers are also used as spring retainers.

  • Disc Spring Washers:- Spring washers, also known as the disc spring washers or conical washers, use spring load to create axial flexibility. Basically, spring washers' mechanical capabilities rely on the shape of the material. EZZI ENGINEERING’s disc spring washers are primarily used in applications that require extremely high amounts of force over a small deflection. In many cases the spring dishwashers are also used to replace coil springs where space is limited, a high force is required, or the size of the system needs to be reduced. 

  • Load Indicating Washer:- Load indicating washers also called direct tension indicates washer foldable protrusions capable of measuring how much bolt stress, and tension has been developed into the fastener. They function without the accordance of torque values and friction factor and indicate load directly when a nut is torqued along the thread of a bolt. 

  • Hillside Washers:- Hillside washers are used to distribute the load in cross-bracing applications. Diagonal tie rods or cable assemblies with welded eye bolts are frequently used to support wall columns and steel beams in metal building construction.

We hope that this blog educated you enough about our high-quality, robust washers. We have been serving in this industry for over a decade now and our exceptional quality of products remains constant. Our services extend to customization as well, which is quite rare in product ranges like these. If our products are not according to your requirement, we can even collaborate with the manufacturer and help you get the exact same product as you want. For further details and queries about the products, visit our website now. 



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